Logos are some of our favorite projects to work on.

They allow us to learn about our clients, build a visual identity for their message and cater their website and additional materials around that identity so that they all mesh together as a consistent idea.

I thought it might be helpful to go over a few of the things we constantly keep in mind when we are designing a logo so that we’re sure it will be successful.

Do your research:
Before we even sketch our first ideas for your logo, we speak with you to understand everything we can about who you are, what you do, who your target audience is and what other businesses are in your market. We always do our research to make sure that any colors, imagery, and typefaces that we use in your logo best represent your business.

Color comes second:
We always begin our logo designs in black and white before we start experimenting with color. If the logo cannot stand on it’s own without the additional colors, it probably doesn’t have the right elements in place to make it work at all.

Keep it simple:
Not only does simplicity help keep your design clear when you need to use it at any size, it also helps to make it much more memorable. If I were to ask you about the most famous logos you can think of, chances are they are pretty simple, and they’ve done that for a reason.

Be unique:
There are always design trends that you see changing year by year, and this results in many logos out in the world looking very similar. This can not only create confusion between companies but also these logos can get lost in the crowd. There’s nothing wrong with following current styles, but make sure there is something about your brand that is uniquely yours. If your logo isn’t memorable, your business often won’t be either.

Make sure it’s versatile:
Very few companies use their logo in just one place. You’ll see logos on billboards, business cards, the side of a bus and even in the tiny 16-pixel favicon in the top of your browser. These are all very different applications, and you need to make sure your brand is versatile enough to work in any of them.